Passions at Play
It is in recognizing, polishing, appreciating and joyfully sharing, the gifts with which I have been blessed that I give back to the Universe. It is my gesture of ‘Pay it Forward’.
There is a deep sense of satisfaction for me when the creative juices flow. When they are in service to humankind, my Spirit soars in its bliss.
When I am offering these gifts, my soul sings and dances in its joy, raising my vibrational frequency. Sharing them raises the global vibration as they assist in opening another to their Inner Truths and awareness of who they truly are.
I am on Soul mission. My body, mind and spirit are congruent and aligned to the highest potential’s possibilities. This is ever unfolding and shifting as I become aware and attuned to yet more grace moving through me.
What I offer, I have experienced and in its outcome my life is blessed forever. It is therefore, my joy and my privilege to share what I know by heart and life experience, through each of the following gifts I offer to the world.
May you feast on the nurturing harvest that the seeds of my passion have grown in the fields of my heart.
Blessed be!
Heart Love Resonance Facilitation
I host a ‘Love Resonance’ group, co-creating an Inner Source Connection, Heart to Heart connection and then a global connection, raising the love frequency energy for all beings. You are welcome to participate by phone or in person.
Healing Modalities
I have been inspired and blessed with offering Energy Clearings and Shifts through any or all of the following modalities in person or long distance:
- Jorei (Okada Purification Therapy, Certified)
- Reiki Master, Certified
- Matrix Energetics, Levels 1, 2, 3
- Distance healing transmissions
Authentic Life Coaching
“Living in Your Highest Potential”
Powerfully and lovingly guiding clients to live their best possible life. All your answers are within you. I provide the sacred space, 'appropriate questions', guidance to go within and hold you accountable for the steps you take to meet your heart's desires.
One hour sessions as pre-arranged.
Certified Life Coach with Debbie Ford Integrative Coaching Institute.
Ceremonies & Rituals
- Sacred Rituals honoring monthly New Moon phases
- Celebration of Life Ceremonies: Weddings, Memorials, Births, Transitions, Retirements, Relocations
- 'Blessed Guided Tours' in Nature to Sacred Sites on Maui. Clients are guided to beautiful destinations in the ‘heart of Maui’. During these tours we connect to and honor Mother Nature's exquisite gifts through blessing rituals. Be prepared to leave with a blissful ‘Maui’d’ experience that is life transformative.
Book by day or event as desired.
Inner SPA with Mother Nature
‘Refresh’ your Inner Connection as I guide you to commune with your inner answers and wisdom while on Mother Earth’s Sacred Grounds. Unfold into a ‘knowing’ of who you really are in the embrace of the waters, trees, plants, flowers and soils of Mother Nature’s exquisite gifts. Experience rituals to deepen your awareness, increase your energy and rekindle your passion about your life purpose and the unique precious gifts you are here to share. Be One with Mother Nature as you ‘ground’ your insights into form.
Celebration of Life Circle
I facilitate Circles where visions are shared and held in sacred support and celebration of successes. These circles are held either in person or by conference calls.
Individuated Group Circles as requested. Circles are fashioned to meet the needs and focuses of groups or organizations.
Inner Wisdom Journaling
I aid Journaling experiences, where access to Inner Wisdom flows in the form of written or visual art form in daily journals.
'The Body Knows' Coaching Sessions
Explore what your body holds relative to an experience that creates a disharmony in your life. Practice 'Release Tools' that transform false beliefs held in the cellular memory to 'Divine Truths' creating an opening for accessing the fullness of life you are here to live in love, joy, peace and harmony.
Sessions can be booked in person or by phone.
'Prayer Pal'
I lovingly hold you in prayer as you move through a crisis.
Intuitive Direction
Kati is a Certified Intuitive Card Reader with Doreen Virtue. Her loving connection to Spirit and Angels is a gift shared through Intuitive Direction Readings. It is her absolute joy to ‘give voice to the messages’ from YOUR Highest Self through her own angels. All messages are intended to guide you to your next greatest expression of who you really are, living your authentic life as the fulfillment of your heart’s desires as your highest vibration.
Readings can be shared by phone, skype or in person, giving you the flexibility of spacious options.
Angel Card Readings